We take your privacy very seriously:
All Employers are required to sign up before downloading any Profile.
All Employers are verified by JobsOnBoats.com Limited before viewing any Uploaded Documents.
You can select to have your information seen by Employers under 3 scenario's:
Yes I'm actively looking for a new job.
Would consider a relevant offer.
Not currently interested unless meets aspirational goals.
Every effort is made to secure our networks and the database and correspondence is all encrypted so to minimise the event of data theft.
For more details see our full Privacy statement
You are a Professional seeking a new position to develop your career.. we call you "Crew".
Jobs On Boats' goal is to help you be more successful in your career! Simply sign in, enter your Profile and while you're out cruising let Jobs On Boats find your next position. Our "JoBs Platform" will match you to suitable positions on preferred boats and locations at your preferred time.
Our focus is to provide multiple placements for Crew during your career, hence your Profile will develop over the years. Keeping records of both your past and current roles and emphasise on your goals. We also offer advice to help you consider your career options and recommendations on how to accelerate and achieve your aspirations.
With Jobs On Boats your Profile is always visible at the right place and the right time.
For Owners, Captains and Agencies (aka. Employers) looking for talented Crew now or for future openings aboard Power / Sailing Yachts to Superyachts the JoBs Platform is your source of Crew around the globe.
Up until now hiring crew has been time consuming and inefficient. This is why JobsOnBoats.com was developed. We have created a website containing an international database of professional crew. Combined with a powerful search platform we provide the solution where you can find your perfect crew immediately.
Recruitment, C.V.'s, interviews, are seen as serious and heavy topics that can often scare or stop a candidate from presenting themselves effectively. With JoBs, we make the process easy and fun again while keeping it professional.
If you have any questions please contact [email protected]
Dear Owners, Captains and Agencies!
Our Online Crew Recruitment Website, JobsOnBoats.com, is now fully operational.
For those who seek Crew please sign up with us and try our revolutionary "Criteria Based Matching Platform"!
Why use JobsOnBoats?
- Our system contains thousands of Profiles of professional sailing crew around the World.
- Top 10 results with percentile rating with our "Criteria Based Matching Platform".
- Crew Profile Preview includes:
1. Crew details with their Location, Availability and Salary Level.
2. Employment History.
3. Find out what Qualifications and Supporting Documents they've uploaded.
4. Future Goals.
- Contact Details, Aspirations and Uploaded Documents provided upon purchase
JoBs Team.
Kind regards,